Astronomy - Getting The Youngsters Started

Yes Astronomy can seem,"astronomical", in cost, and in the vast knowledge that is needed to excel at it, and in the tons of confusing, and often seemingly conflicting information that is available on the web now. And I do realize advanced astronomers will be bored with some of these basics. Because I know I tend to get bored when reading things I already know, especially when an article at a first glance, seems to offer the information you are looking for. But too often they go on, and on, and on, and they never seem to really get to the point. Or the advertised information just isn't there at all. But I shall try to avoid this "droning on and on syndrome", even in discussing these basics. So, with that, let's jump right in to the "getting started" part. But before we dive right in, I encourage people to do thier own research, and try to be as extensive as you can. Don't necessarily trust Amazon's reviews, or any other "...